On behalf of the jury, awards were handed over by Borbála Czakó, President of HBLF and Prof. Dr. Gyula Bándi, professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Deputy Ombudsman for Future Generations.
Winners implemented conservation projects in the last few years which may well have been the part of an extended project as long as results could be demonstrated for the distinctive phase.
Applications could be submitted in the following categories:
- Management: a company which can constantly improve its results in terms of sustainable development due to a prominent mission and vision of the future.
- Product: the development of a product or service which significantly contributes to sustainable development.
- Processes: Development of manufacturing technologies while fully complying with sustainability criteria.
- International business cooperation: Business cooperation with companies, civil organisations or scientists in developing countries to enhance sustainable development, technology transfer, environment protection, the development of products and services, or to improve working conditions.
- Business life and sustainable education: a special award goes to the company which put a high emphasis on sustainable education and awareness raising while developing solutions in any of the categories mentioned above.