Providing adequate food for the world's growing population is essential. Due to the pandemic, we have experienced what it means to be dependent on food from other countries in times of crisis, and due to closed borders. What can business do? At the Virtual Business lunch of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH), the “For a Sustainable Future” awards were presented at the event this year in an atypical way, as not only were outstanding leaders and corporate solutions recognized, but also sustainability initiatives that have been implemented during the pandemic.
The three-point recommendation for the business sector was presented at the event, which points the way forward regarding the implementation of sustainable food systems that take all the issues of biodiversity into consideration. The organization, which brings together 98 member companies that generate about 30% of Hungarian GDP, presented the “For a Sustainable Future” Award for the fourth time, in the Change leader, Social Responsibility category.
BCSDH’s recommendations for the business sector related to increasing the sustainability of food:
- Establish shorter and more diverse supply chains to support resilience
- Develop action plans to minimize food waste by increasing efficiency and raising awareness
- Manage and invest into the rehabilitation and preservation of biodiversity
“For a Sustainable Future” Award 2020 – Companies and leaders for sustainability
The awarding ceremony of the “For a Sustainable Future” Award was also hosted at the Virtual Business Lunch.