About #YouthEmpowered
#YouthEmpowered program was started by Coca‑Cola HBC Hungary in 2017, with the aim to enhance the labour market chances of youth between 18-30. The program offers free day-long training, where professional trainers help participants with writing CVs, preparing for job interviews, using social media and even starting a new business. Apart from youth between 18-30, the program is also available for the disadvantaged groups, young mothers, women and starting with fall 2019, for the disabled as well. Online trainings that partially overlap, partially complete the in-person trainings are available on www.enjovom.hu, offering help for those who cannot access the in-person trainings because of the lack of time or distance. Starting with 2019 spring, the program is organised together by Coca‑Cola HBC Hungary and The Coca‑Cola Company, putting great focus on the training of young mothers and parents.
About Loffice Coworkid
With Coworkid we envision a world where family and parental duties are in perfect harmony with workplace duties. Founded by Loffice, Hungary's first coworking office, Coworkid is a pioneer concept that merges a coworking space with professional childcare. Aiming to bring parents’ career plans and employer needs to the same page we organise social awareness events, work reintegration trainings, professional meetups, career consultancy or even help in recruiting. We're creating an empathetic and cooperative community for parents where sharing knowledge and relations provides an essential help. More info: www.coworkid.com