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Non-alcoholic beverages now contain 45% fewer calories than in 2010
As a result of the voluntary commitments of the member companies of the Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association, the average sugar and calorie content of Hungarian soft drinks and juices was further decreased in 2021, being now 45 percent lower than in 2010. By redesigning recipes and introducing new, innovative products, the ratio of reduced-calorie and calorie-free beverages has been increased from 23 percent to 61 percent in the non-alcoholic beverage category.
The Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association was the first in the Hungarian food production sector to adopt a voluntary sugar and calorie reduction program. The beverage companies set a goal of halving the average sugar and calorie content of non-alcoholic beverages (carbonated soft drinks, juices, iced teas, etc.) marketed in Hungary by the end of 2020 compared to 2010. Until the end of the commitment period (end of 2020) the average sugar and calorie content per 100 milliliters of soft drinks produced/marketed by the members of the association decreased by 43 percent overall.
After the end of the commitment period soft drink companies continued to renew soft drinks, introduced innovative products and expanded the proportion of low-calorie and calorie-free products in their portfolio. As a result of these efforts, the sugar and calorie content of non-alcoholic beverages in Hungary was further decreased in 2021.
As a result of the measures implemented in 2021:
"Our voluntary sugar and calorie reduction pledge, which dates back more than a decade, has produced exemplary results. Our association and our member companies would like to contribute to the achievement of common public health goals by continuous product innovation, responsible advertising and providing comprehensive information to consumers", said Géza Miklósvári, President of the Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association.
"Controlling sugar intake and conscious, varied and adequate hydration are important cornerstones of a healthy diet. By developing recipes, product innovation and providing the most diverse choice, the food industry can provide effective support for achieving these goals. A good example of this is the soft drink association's commitments and the results achieved in recent years in the field of sugar and calorie reduction, added Zsuzsanna Szűcs, president of the National Association of Hungarian DieteticIans.
About the Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association
The Hungarian Mineral Water, Juice and Soft Drinks Association is a professional advocacy organization of Hungarian non-alcoholic beverage manufacturers, which represents more than 95 percent of Hungarian mineral water bottlers and about 85 percent of soft drinks and juice producers. Our member companies produce a production value of approximately HUF 300 billion per year and directly employ 3,000 people in Hungary.