At Coca‑Cola HBC Hungary Ltd. we are committed to using an efficient occupational health and safety system matching the risks related to our business activities.
In the course of all our activities we operate our occupational health and safety system in observance of the OHSAS 18001 (MEBIR 28001) standard and other health and safety standards and requirements determined by the management of the company.
By using the system we strive to minimize and control occupational health and safety risks related to our activities, and to provide our employees, contractors and visitors with a corresponding environment and working conditions.
We are committed to setting and maintaining conditions for healthy work and fire safety in accordance with the following principles:
- We strive to ensure such working conditions where work-related health and safety risks are controlled to prevent injuries and occupational diseases.
- We strive to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations.
- Our goal is to meet both Hungarian and international expectations by implementing occupational health and safety continuous improvement programs.
- The implementation of efficient occupational health and safety programs is an integral part of our future business activities and consequently:
- Our goal is to identify risks within our work environment, assess, investigate and mitigate causes of occupational injuries and diseases.
- We do efforts to ensure that all our employees at all levels of the organisation are prudent and committed to observe the occupational health and safety policy and practice of Coca‑Cola HBC Hungary Ltd.
- By organising efficient occupational health and safety training programs we develop the knowledge and awareness of our employees at all levels of the organisation.
- We ensure the verification of the efficiency of our occupational health and safety system, procedures and processes through internal and external reviews and audits.
- We ensure the analysis of accidents and extraordinary events within the framework of an integrated management review system.
- Requirements of the occupational health and safety system are synchronised with other regulations of the Company.
- We will include health and safety strategies in the annual business planning process to ensure that the subject remains an integral part of operations.
- We will set annual occupational health and safety objectives, to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with all standards.
- We are committed to continuous development of our occupational health and safety compliance, and present the results achieved in the annual Sustainability Report.