Our attitude to corruption is clear: zero tolerance. At Coca‑Cola Hellenic, we pride ourselves on being fair, open and honest.
Whether we’re dealing with our suppliers, customers or governments, we follow a strict code of integrity, respect, and transparency.
Inappropriate business activities are by no means anything new, nor are they unique to any one business environment. We, at Coca‑Cola Hellenic recognise the risk of bribes – the request or receipt of anything of value or advantage, whether directly or indirectly, to any person, in order to encourage that person or any other to perform a function or activity improperly.
Our zero tolerance policy on corruption marks our company as a model for ethical behaviour in both business and personal life.
We expect our employees to show complete and absolute respect to these standards. Violations of our anti-bribery policy – regardless of location, role or level of seniority – is dealt with the utmost seriousness and to the full extent of our legal capacity.
Our anti-bribery policy and compliance handbook provides our people with the essential knowledge and tools to detect and prevent bribery and corruption. It also shows them where they can find more information.